
Charity begins at home (and ends up here)

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There is often great creative work found coming from charity and social messaging. It may have to do with the fact that often the only measure of success is if it gets people talking. Also, it is often done for free, so there are fewer pressures put on creativity by clients asking to ‘improve’ ideas. And perhaps ad creatives believe in the product more than if they were flogging toilet cleaner. Whatever the reason, there is plenty of good stuff to be found. 
In Brazil they recently went to zero tolerance for drunk driving. They still had 35,000 die on the roads last year, so what do you do when the normal messages aren’t working? You get inventive. To help get the message across they devised a wee trick where punters paying their tabs at the end of a night out had the potential costs of a drink drive accident added to the bill.

In Sweden they have a problem with young women smoking, so they got devious and set up a fake model agency for ugly smokers. In this campaign wannabe models submitted a photo and answered questions about looks and smoking habits. A personalised top model style video was then emailed that aged their photo with the effects of smoking and made them ugly. Hit em where it hurts, their looks

This print ad from India is very direct . . .  and guilt-o-rama.

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And finally here is some lovely work for Amnesty International, using the Amnesty candle to put the heat on countries still enacting the death penalty.

Now to ads with clients: in this nice Adidas branded content for local store Qubic, a DJ’s visit to New Zealand to perform at the Adidas Originals Street Party in Auckland is chronicled. It appeared on a fashionable international blog. It was directed by a local guy Sean Wallace and shot on the Canon 5d Mark II. And it is a good sign of what is to come: really well-made, low cost, cool content. Nicely done.

And here are some very clever print ads for CNN that are all round the blogs.

Extra Extra: caffeine and sugar are good? An awesome beer ad for Sapporo; and Samsung uses 3D technology to bring the masters to life.

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