
Review: Airmail app saves you from chucking your Mac out the window

Email clients are the bane of my work life. The Mail.app which comes with my MacBook Pro is a horrible clunky mess, Outlook is no better and Sparrow – which I was using until very recently – has become synonymous with crashing my computer, all the while taunting me with the dreaded beach ball of doom.

Airmail is a $2.59 piece of software which brilliantly and simply replaces the position vacated by Sparrow on my app tray.

The app’s design is incredibly similar to Sparrow’s, in fact it could easily be an updated version. Airmail is minimalist and easy to flick through to get an idea of what’s happening in your inbox. It has much of the similar trappings as your run-of-the-mill client – split into a three column experience. 

Tapping the speech bubble icon let’s you reply quickly without having to load an email thread and tags let you filter by folders, attachments and other criteria.

Gmail accounts are the easiest to set up on Airmail, only requiring a username and password. IMAP / SMTP are also supported and I had my personal email server running after manually inputting the details. 

I haven’t had any issues running Airmail in tandem with processor intensive apps such as Photoshop and InDesign, or even Skype which also seems to be my laptop’s arch nemesis (much like me, my computer is good at making enemies).

The ability to link the client to cloud storage services such as Dropbox, Google Drive or CloudApp means you can send large attachments without worrying your mail server will choke on the size.

Airmail may not have a single “killer feature” as such, but it works and doesn’t freeze up my MacBook. That’s killer enough for me.

What email client are you using on your computer or smartphone? Share the recommendation love with fellow StopPressers.

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